數位電子看板(Digital Signage)隨著市場接受度的提升而日漸受到工業電腦(IPC)及相關產業的關注,幾乎相關產業的業者都對數位電子看板市場的前景表示樂觀。
CISCO 在 The Human Network 中最後一支影片可以看出他進入市場的野心。
另外,思科也已經宣稱具有廣告解決方案服務 Digital Media System 並開始提供服務。
Bring a human touch to business by connecting with your customers, employees, partners, or students anywhere, at any time.
The Cisco Digital Media System is a flexible and comprehensive solution for digital signage and desktop video that makes it easy to create, manage, publish, and access high-quality digital media for compelling communications.
CISCO 在 The Human Network 廣告影片